"EmptyMessages" : {
"Categories" : {
"categoriesCanAddIn" : "You can add categories to ",
"goToSettingsAndAddCategories" : "Go to and add types.",
"message" : "List of room types is empty.",
"noRoomCategoriesForSelect" : "No room categories to select."
"HotelFeatures" : {
"featuresCanAddIn" : "You can add services to ",
"noAdditionalFeaturesForSelect" : "No additional services to select"
"HourlyObjects" : {
"hourlyObjectsCanAddIn" : "You can add objects to ",
"noHourlyObjectsForSelect" : "No hourly objects for selection"
"Rates" : {
"canAddIn" : "Rates can be added to ",
"noForSelect" : "There are no rates to choose from.",
"prices" : "Rates"
"bookingCalendarCategories" : "To work with reservations,
go to and add rooms and room types.",
"categories" : "List of room types is empty.
Go to <0>Kontur.Hotel settings<\/0> and add types.",
"hotelEmail" : "Add to \"Hotel Contacts\" in your email address so guests can contact you.
Then repeat sending confirmation.",
"hotelFeatures" : "No additional services. Go to <0>Kontur.Hotel settings<\/0> and add services.",
"rates" : "No rates.
Go to <0>rates<\/0> and add them.",
"settings" : "settings"
"EndOfIESupportLightbox" : {
"changeBrowser" : "Change browser",
"usingOldBrowser" : "You are using Internet Explorer 11.
Our service no longer supports it and has stopped working in this browser since April 24, 2023.
Open the service in one of the modern browsers:"
"EndOfOldBrowsersSupportLightbox" : {
"continue" : "Continue working in your browser",
"openSupportChat" : "If you need help, contact the <0>online support consultant<\/0>",
"updateBrowser" : "Update your browser",
"usingOldBrowser" : "You are using browser {{browserName}} version {{version}}.
Our service stops supporting this version from 10\/2\/2023<\/b> and may not work correctly.
Update your browser to a more modern version:"
"GlobalErrorLightbox" : {
"contactSupport" : "If the error persists, <0>please contact technical support<\/0>",
"contactSupportWithCode" : "If the error persists, <0>contact our technical support and <\/0> tell them the following code: {{errorNumber}}",
"title" : "An error has occured",
"tryAgain" : "Try again",
"tryAgainMOB" : "Try the action again or refresh the page.
If the error occurs again, please contact us via the contacts on the website."
"ItemsSelector" : {
"allLabel" : "All"
"ListItem" : {
"orderArrowHint" : "Order of representation on the board"
"PermissionLightbox" : {
"contactAdmins" : "To extend permissions, contact:",
"thenRefresh" : "Then log back in and repeat the step.",
"title" : "Permissions problem"
"UnsavedChangesLightbox" : {
"header" : "Save changes?",
"text" : "You are going to another page, do you want to save changes?"
"accommodation" : "Accommodation",
"accomodationCost" : "Accommodation price",
"activationCode" : "Activation code",
"addOrganization" : "Add organization",
"additionalFeatures" : "Additional services",
"address" : {
"editAddress" : "Edit address",
"fillAddress" : "Fill in address",
"fillingNotByAddressBook" : "Not filled by address book"
"adults" : "Adults",
"adultsCount" : "#{N} adult|adults#",
"allDays" : "All days",
"areaInMeters" : "{{meters}} sq m.",
"bankName" : "Bank name",
"bedForNight" : "bed for night",
"bic" : "BIC",
"bookHourlyObject" : "Book hourly object",
"bookRoom" : "Book room",
"booking" : "reservation",
"bookingComment" : "Comments to reservation",
"bookingFeatureFilterTypes" : {
"additionalFeatures" : "Additional services in reservations",
"includedInRate" : "Services included in the rate",
"restaurantFeatures" : "Restaurant services"
"bookingWithNumber" : "reservation {{bookingNumber}}",
"buttons" : {
"accept" : "Confirm",
"add" : "Add",
"allow" : "Allow",
"apply" : "Save",
"back" : "Back",
"buyModule" : "Buy integration module",
"cancel" : "Cancel",
"check" : "Check",
"close" : "Close",
"closeMessage" : "Hide this message",
"connect" : "Connect",
"continue" : "Continue",
"copy" : "Copy",
"copyAndClose" : "Copy link and close",
"delete" : "Delete",
"disconnect" : "Turn off",
"doNotDisconnect" : "Do not turn off",
"doNotRenew" : "Do not renew",
"edit" : "Edit",
"exitFromMaster" : "Leave support",
"forbid" : "Forbid",
"goToBill" : "Go to invoice",
"leaveRequestForCallFromManager" : "Leave a request for a call from manager",
"look" : "View",
"more" : "More",
"next" : "Next",
"notDelete" : "Do not delete",
"notSave" : "Not save",
"otherActions" : "Other actions",
"payBill" : "Pay the invoice",
"readKey" : "Read the key card",
"recalculate" : "Recalculate",
"reloadPage" : "Refresh the page",
"renew" : "Renew",
"rollUp" : "Roll up",
"save" : "Save",
"saveAndAddPeriod" : "Save and add one more period",
"saveAndClose" : "Save and close",
"saveFile" : "Save file",
"saveInFormat" : "Save as {{format}}",
"select" : "Select",
"selectGerund" : "Select",
"send" : "Send",
"sendAgain" : "Send again",
"tryAgain" : "Try again",
"uploadFile" : "Upload file",
"vaccinationConsent" : "Print consent for vaccination",
"viewReport" : "View the report"
"calendar" : {
"HeaderCell" : {
"dateTitle" : "Go to date"
"capacity" : "Capacity",
"categoryNotSelected" : "Room type is not selected",
"changeRate" : "Change rate",
"changeRoom" : "Change room",
"checkAvailability" : "Check availability",
"checkConnection" : "Check your network cable
or wi-fi connection.",
"checkEmail" : "Check that email is correct.",
"checkPhone" : "Check if the phone number is correct",
"checkin" : "Check-in",
"checkinDateCaption" : "Check-in date",
"checkout" : "Check-out",
"checkoutDateCaption" : "Check-out date",
"children" : "Children",
"childrenCount" : "#{N} child|children#",
"childrenCountUnderAge" : "#{childrenCount} child|children|children# up to #{N} years|years#",
"childrenUnderAge" : "Children under #{N} year|years#",
"codePaymentRequired" : "Payment by code is not registered - make a payment or contact the manager",
"confirmationLightbox" : {
"actionButton" : "Continue",
"cancelButton" : "Go back to editing",
"defaultTitle" : "Confirm action"
"connectionProblems" : "Problems with internet connection.",
"contactOnlineSupport" : "Contact online technical support",
"contactOnlineSupportImperativeMood" : "contact online technical support",
"controls" : {
"imageList" : {
"empty" : "No photo"
"imagesControl" : {
"addCaption" : "Add photo",
"editPhoto" : "Edit photo",
"mainCaption" : "Main photo"
"paging" : {
"forward" : "Next"
"select" : {
"allEntityItems" : "All room categories and hourly objects",
"allHourlyObjectItems" : "All hourly objects",
"allRateItems" : "All rates",
"allRoomCategoryItems" : "All room types",
"hourlyObjects" : "Hourly objects",
"notSelectedCaption" : "Not selected",
"placeholder" : "Select",
"roomCategories" : "Room types"
"copied" : "Copied",
"copyright" : "<0>СКБ Контур<\/0> с 1988 года",
"cost" : "Cost",
"country" : "Country",
"dateCaption" : "Date",
"dates" : {
"at" : "on ",
"dateAtTime" : "on {{date}} at {{time}}",
"dateWithStartTime" : "{{date}} from {{time}}",
"from" : "from ",
"on" : "per ",
"to" : "until ",
"upTo" : "until "
"daysCount" : "#{N} day|days#",
"daysCountInWords" : "$t(common:numberInWords.{{N}}) #day|days#",
"daysOfWeek" : {
"friday" : "fri",
"monday" : "mon",
"saturday" : "sat",
"sunday" : "sun",
"thursday" : "thur",
"tuesday" : "tue",
"wednesday" : "wed"
"description" : "Description",
"disclaimerAgreement" : "By using the service, you agree to be bound by terms and conditions of <0>the licence agreement<\/0>",
"earlyCheckin" : "Early check-in",
"eg" : "For example, {{example}}",
"email" : "E-mail",
"end" : "End",
"enterEmail" : "Enter email",
"enterFio" : "Enter full name ",
"enterPhone" : "Enter phone",
"extraFeature" : "Services from booking channels (without detailing)",
"featureInDevelopment" : "feature in development",
"fias" : {
"addressEdit" : "Change address",
"addressFill" : "Fill in address ",
"addressFillParentOrSearch" : " Fill in the fields above or use the search",
"addressNotFound" : "Address not found",
"addressNotVerified" : "Address not found in the address book",
"addressSelectItemFromList" : "Select value from the list",
"cityLabel" : "City",
"cityNotFound" : "City not found",
"cityPlaceholder" : "",
"countryLabel" : "Country",
"countryPlaceholder" : "Enter country name",
"districtLabel" : "District",
"districtNotFound" : "District not found",
"districtPlaceholder" : "",
"foreignAddressLabel" : "Address",
"foreignAddressPlaceholder" : "",
"houseFillBefore" : "Fill in the city or town to select house number",
"houseLabel" : "House, building",
"houseNotFound" : "No houses found for the above location",
"housePlaceholder" : "",
"intracityareaLabel" : "Intracity area",
"intracityareaNotFound" : "Intracity area not found",
"intracityareaPlaceholder" : "",
"modalButtonCancel" : "Cancel ",
"modalButtonOk" : "Save ",
"modalTitle" : "Address",
"planningstructureLabel" : "Another area",
"planningstructureNotFound" : "No other areas found for the above location",
"planningstructurePlaceholder" : "Garden, park, health center and others",
"postalcodeLabel" : "Postal code",
"postalcodeNotFound" : "Not filled by address book",
"postalcodeNotValid" : "Value does not correspond to the format",
"postalcodePlaceholder" : "",
"postalcodeReplace" : "Replace with a reference postal code",
"regionLabel" : "Region",
"regionNotFound" : "Region not found",
"regionPlaceholder" : "You can enter a code or name",
"roomFillBefore" : "Fill in the house number to select apartment",
"roomLabel" : "Apartment, office",
"roomNotFound" : "No accommodations found for the above location",
"roomPlaceholder" : "",
"searchNotFound" : "Address not found",
"searchPlaceholder" : "Enter address, for example: Moscow, Vnukovo",
"settlementLabel" : "Settlement",
"settlementNotFound" : "Settlement not found",
"settlementPlaceholder" : "Village, stanitsa and others",
"steadFillBefore" : "Fill in the city or town to select land lot number",
"steadLabel" : "Land lot",
"steadNotFound" : "No land lots found for the above location",
"steadPlaceholder" : "",
"streetFillBefore" : "Fill in the city or town to select street",
"streetLabel" : "Street",
"streetNotFound" : "No streets found for the above location",
"streetPlaceholder" : ""
"fields" : {
"bankName" : "Bank name",
"lawAddress" : "Legal address",
"phone" : "Phone number",
"swift" : "SWIFT"
"fileSavedToComputer" : "File is saved on computer",
"fioCaption" : "Full name",
"floor" : "floor",
"fms" : {
"unregistrationReminder" : "Remember to strike the guest off the MIA register."
"forXnights" : "per #{N} night|nights#",
"foreignOrganizationName" : "Organization name",
"from" : "from {{amount}}",
"fromDateToDate" : "from {{fromDate}} to {{toDate}}",
"fromDateToDatePrepositions" : {
"from" : "From",
"to" : "To"
"goToPayForHotel" : "Go to payment",
"goToPayForHotelModifier" : "Go to buy module",
"guest" : "Guest",
"guestCountWithInput" : " #guest|guest|guests#",
"guests" : "Guests",
"guestsCount" : "#{N} guest|guests#",
"guestsWithChildren" : "#{adultsCount} adult|adults|adults# and #{childrenCount} child|children|children#",
"guestsWithChildrenUnderAge" : "#{adultsCount} adult|adults|adults# and #{childrenCount} child|children|children# up to #{N} year|years#",
"hourlyObjects" : "Objects",
"hourlyObjectsCount" : "#{N} object|objects|objects",
"hourlyObjectsIsNotSelected" : "object not selected",
"hours" : "Hours",
"hoursCount" : "#{N} hour|hours|hours#",
"hoursCounterWithoutValue" : "Hours",
"inn" : "Taxpayer Identification Number",
"konturHotel" : "Kontur.Hotel",
"konturHotelSettings" : "Kontur.Hotel settings",
"kpp" : "TRC",
"latelyCheckout" : "Late check-out",
"licenseAgreement" : "License agreement",
"lightbox" : {
"buttons" : {
"cancel" : "Cancel",
"save" : "Save"
"links" : {
"goToSettings" : "Go to settings",
"hotelFeaturesSettings" : "Service settings"
"loadMore" : "Show more {N}",
"loading" : "Loading...",
"logout" : "Logout of service",
"measures" : {
"day" : "#day|days#",
"dayCount" : "#{N}day|days#",
"empty" : "Empty",
"hour" : "#hour|hours#",
"hourCount" : "#{N} hour|hours|hours#",
"minutesCount" : "#{N} minute|minutes|minutes#",
"pieces" : "pc",
"short" : {
"day" : "day",
"hour" : "h",
"minute" : "min"
"messages" : {
"cantPerformAction" : "Cannot perform action"
"months" : {
"april" : "April",
"august" : "August",
"december" : "December",
"february" : "February",
"january" : "January",
"july" : "July",
"june" : "June",
"march" : "March",
"may" : "May",
"november" : "November",
"october" : "October",
"september" : "September"
"name" : "Name",
"needSettings" : "Edit your settings",
"newGuest" : "New guest",
"nights" : "Nights",
"nightsCount" : "#{N} night|nights#",
"nightsCounterWithoutValue" : "Nights",
"no" : "No",
"noCode?" : "Have no code?",
"noFree" : "No available",
"noFreeAndOverbooking" : "No available, overbooking",
"noFreeHourlyObjectItems" : "No free hourly objetct items",
"noFreeHourlyObjects" : "No objects available",
"noFreeRooms" : "No rooms available",
"noRooms" : "No rooms in hotel settings",
"notEnoughPermissions" : "Permissions problem",
"notSelected" : "not selected",
"numberInWords" : {
"1" : "one",
"2" : "two",
"3" : "three",
"4" : "four",
"5" : "five",
"6" : "six",
"7" : "seven",
"8" : "eight",
"9" : "nine"
"object" : "Hourly objects",
"ogrn" : "SRN",
"onWeekdays" : {
"all" : "On weekdays",
"friday" : "on Fridays",
"monday" : "on Mondays",
"saturday" : "on Saturdays",
"sunday" : "on Sundays",
"thursday" : "on Thursdays",
"tuesday" : "on Tuesdays",
"wednesday" : "on Wednesdays"
"organizationName" : "Name of the legal person or name of the individual entrepreneur",
"organizationRequisites" : "Company details",
"patronymic" : "Patronymic",
"payerNotSpecified" : "payer is not specified",
"payment" : "Payment",
"paymentTypes" : {
"accommodation" : "Accommodation",
"bankCard" : "Bank card",
"cash" : "Cash",
"cashless" : "Bank transfer",
"channel" : "Paid on reservation channel",
"deposit" : "Deposit",
"onlinePayment" : "Online payment",
"transferToCard" : "Transfer to the card"
"photos" : "+ {{N}} photo ",
"quantity" : "Quantity",
"rate" : "Rate",
"rates" : "Rates",
"react-ui" : {
"Combobox" : {
"notFound" : "Not found"
"DatePicker" : {
"today" : "Today"
"Paging" : {
"forward" : "Forward"
"Select" : {
"placeholder" : "No items selected"
"Spinner" : {
"loading" : "Loading"
"TokenInput" : {
"addButtonComment" : "Press Enter or type a comma",
"addButtonTitle" : "Add",
"notFound" : "Not found"
"TopBar" : {
"cabinetCertificates" : "Certificates",
"cabinetServices" : "Pay for services",
"cabinetSettings" : "Service login settings ",
"cabinetTitle" : "Kontur personal account",
"logout" : "Log out"
"requisite1" : "Requisite 1",
"requisite2" : "Requisite 2",
"requisite3" : "Requisite 3",
"room" : "Room",
"roomCaption" : "Room",
"roomCategoryCaption" : "Room type",
"roomIsNotSelected" : "no selected room ",
"roomNumberCaption" : "Room number",
"roomTypes" : "Room types",
"roomWithName" : "Room {{roomName}}",
"rooms" : "Rooms",
"roomsCount" : "#{N} room|rooms#",
"search" : {
"cancel" : "Cancel search",
"combobox" : {
"found" : "Showing first results",
"foundWithTotal" : "Showing first results from the found",
"notFound" : "Nothing found
Change your request"
"queryResult" : {
"notFound" : "No results found for «»"
"showAllResults" : "Show all search results"
"service" : "Service",
"serviceName" : "Kontur.Hotel",
"services" : "Services",
"settings" : "Settings",
"settingsPageName" : "Kontur.Hotel settings",
"settingsPageNamePrepositional" : "Kontur.Hotel settings",
"showBooking" : "Go to reservation",
"showDetails" : "View details",
"start" : "Beginning",
"sum" : "Amount",
"surname" : "Surname",
"title" : "Title",
"toPay" : "Total payable",
"toasts" : {
"ChangesNotSavedDateInPast" : "Not saved Select a date no earlier than the current date",
"changesSaved" : "Changes saved",
"changesSavedAndSentToChannels" : "Changes saved and sent to channels",
"connectionRestored" : "Connection restored",
"fixFormErrorsAndTryAgain" : "Change the errors in the form and try again",
"linkCopied" : "Link copied",
"notEnoughRights" : "Not enough rights"
"tryAgain" : "Try again",
"tryReloadPage" : "Something went wrong. Try to refresh the page.",
"unspecified" : "Unspecified ",
"useThisRate" : "Select this rate",
"userDropdown" : {
"enterProlongationCode" : "Enter prolongation code",
"payServiceProlongation" : "Make payment to extend service",
"personalCabinet" : "Personal account"
"usersCount" : "#{N} user|users#",
"validations" : {
"bankAccountNumber" : "Bank account number must contain 20 digits",
"bic" : "BIC must contain 9 digits",
"birthday" : {
"empty" : "Fill in date of birth",
"moreThan" : "Date of birth can not be more than current",
"year" : "Fill in valid year of birth"
"byPatternPhone" : "Phone number is not filled by format",
"checkedAtLeastOne" : "At least one value must be selected",
"correspondentAccountNumber" : "Correspondent account number must contain 20 digits",
"currency" : {
"positive" : "Enter a number greater than zero"
"date" : {
"hours" : "Should be between 0 and 23",
"isCorrect" : "Enter correct date",
"maxDate" : "Enter a date no later than {{maxDate}}",
"maxYear" : "Enter a year before {{maxYear}}",
"minDate" : "Enter a date not earlier than {{minDate}}",
"minYear" : "Enter a year after {{minYear}}",
"minutes" : "Should be between 0 and 59",
"notInFuture" : "Date can not be later than current date",
"notInPast" : "Date cannot be earlier than current date",
"presence" : "Set the date",
"timeNotInPast" : "Time cannot be earlier than current"
"daysOfWeekEmpty" : "Select days of the week",
"digitsPhone" : "Phone number must contain only numbers and characters: ( ) + -",
"email" : "Email address is invalid",
"fillName" : "Fill in the name",
"fixErrorsForSave" : "To save your changes, click \"Cancel\" and correct errors.",
"ifEmptyAddNewProfile" : "If there is no required value, fill out a new profile.",
"incorrectEmail" : "Enter correct email",
"inn" : {
"empty" : "Enter taxpayer number",
"formatControl" : "Taxpayer number failed to pass format control",
"onlyDigits" : "Taxpayer number must only contain digits",
"wrongLength" : "Number must contain 10 to 12 digits"
"interval" : {
"fromAfterTo" : "The interval end must be later than the interval beginning",
"overlapsWithOther" : "The interval intersects with the previously added one. Choose another time.",
"unique" : "Time intervals must not coincide"
"kpp" : {
"empty" : "Enter TRC",
"hasFullInn" : "If taxpayer number contains 12 digits, TRC is not needed",
"onlyDigits" : "TRC must only contain digits",
"wrongLength" : "TRC must contain 9 digits"
"longHotelName" : "Hotel name must not exceed 110 characters",
"minLength" : "The length of the value must be greater or equal to #{N} character|characters#",
"mustBeMoreThanNights" : "Should be more #{N}night|nights|nights#",
"number" : {
"lessThan" : "Value must be less than or equal to {{lessThan}}",
"lessThanStrict" : "The value should be less than {{lessThan}}",
"moreThan" : "Value must be more than or equal to {{moreThan}}",
"moreThanStrict" : "The value should be more than {{moreThan}}",
"moreThanZero" : "The value must be greater than zero",
"percent" : "Should not be more than 100%",
"positiveBelow100" : "Enter a number from 1 to 99",
"positiveBelow255" : "Must be from 1 to 255",
"whole" : "Must be a whole number"
"ogrn" : "Primary state registration number must contain 13 or 15 digits",
"organizationRequisites" : "Fill in company details",
"period" : {
"endDateOrTimeBeforeStart" : "The date and time of termination cannot be earlier than the date and time of start.",
"endIsTooFar" : "The end of the period can not be set later than #{years} year|years# from the current date",
"maxYearsDiff" : "Period must not exceed #{N} year|years#",
"noEnd" : "Set end of period",
"noStart" : "Set beginning of period",
"overlapsWithOther" : "Periods should not overlap",
"startAfterEnd" : "The end of the period can not come before it started",
"startBeforeOneYear" : "The beginning of the period can not be set earlier than a year from the current date",
"timeStartAfterTimeEnd" : "The end time should be more than the start time"
"positiveNumber" : "Value must be greater than zero",
"presence" : "Value must be filled out",
"requestError" : {
"text" : "If the error occurs again, contact <0>the online technical support consultant<\/0>."
"selectFromList" : "A value must be selected from the list"
"weeksCount" : "#{N} week|weeks#",
"withoutRoom" : "No room assigned",
"withoutSelectedRoom" : "Room is not selected",
"wrongActivationCode" : "Incorrect activation code - generate the activation code again or contact the manager",
"yearsCount" : "Under #{N} year|years|years#",
"yourFullName" : "Your full name"