{ "accommodations" : { "caption" : "Select accommodation", "captionOthers" : "Other room options", "guests" : "guests", "noRoomsForTheseDates" : "There are no rooms available for the specified number of guests on the selected dates", "noRoomsInCategory" : "Below are the days on which at least one room is available in the selected category at the lowest possible price.
You can repeat the search by specifying the most suitable of the suggested dates." }, "featuresOrder" : "#{features} service|services|services#", "freeRoomsOnYourDates" : "Free rooms on your dates", "hotelFeatures" : { "additionTypes" : { "byDayAndGuest" : "per {N} for #{guestsCount} guest|guests#", "onceForBooking" : "per {N} " }, "button" : { "add" : "Add service", "includedInRate" : "Included in price" }, "collapseHotelFeatures" : "Collapse services", "showAllHotelFeatures" : "Show all hotel services", "title" : "Additional features" }, "hourlyRates" : { "changeRate" : "Change selection", "hours" : "per #{hours} hour|hours|hours#", "hoursOrder" : "#{totalHours} hour|hours|hours#", "includes" : "Hourly object rent", "selectRate" : "Book" }, "overbooking" : { "resultsChanged" : "To date, the search results have changed.", "title" : "Search results have changed", "update" : "Update the search", "variantsMissing" : "Some of the options may not be available for reservation." }, "promoCode" : { "accommodationDiscount" : "Promo code discount", "freeHotelFeature" : "Free services with a promo code" }, "rates" : { "caption" : "Select rate", "changeRate" : "Change rate", "changeVariant" : "Change the option", "guests" : "guests<0\/>", "includes" : "The price includes: <0 \/>.", "includesLiving" : "Accommodation", "name" : "Rate «<0 \/>»", "selectRate" : "Select this rate", "withoutPayment" : "Prepayment is not required." }, "recommendations" : { "arrival" : "Please change your check-in date to  to book this property", "arrivalAndDeparture" : "Please change your check-in date to  and check-out date to  to book this property", "arrivalAndStay" : "Please change your check-in date to   and your stay to book this property", "departure" : "Please change your check-out date to  to book this property", "departureAndStay" : "Please change your check-out date to   and your stay to book this property", "maxStay" : "until #{daysCount} night|nights#", "minStay" : "from #{daysCount} night|nights#", "stay" : "Change your stay to book this property" }, "roomCategory" : { "area" : "Floorspace", "areaSquareMeter" : "m²", "places" : "Capacity" }, "selectRoom" : "Select room", "total" : { "final" : "Total for #{nightsCount} night|nights|nights# for #{roomsCount} room|rooms|rooms#", "forNights" : "for #{nightsCount} night|nights|nights#", "forNightsForPlaces" : "for #{nightsCount} night|nights|nights# for #{placeCount} place|places|places#", "forNightsForRooms" : "for #{nightsCount} night|nights|nights# for #{roomsCount} room|rooms|rooms#", "guestsAdults" : "#{adultsCount} adult|adults#", "guestsAdultsAndChildren" : "#{adultsCount} adult|adults# and #{childrenCount} child|children|children# under #{age} year|years# of age", "nights" : "#{nightsCount} night|nights|nights#", "places" : "#{placeCount} place|places|places#", "rooms" : "#{roomsCount} room|rooms|rooms#" }, "validations" : { "noMorePlaces" : "No more available places for selected dates", "noMoreRooms" : "No more available rooms for selected dates", "notAvailable" : "This accommodation is not available at the specified cost, choose another option", "notAvailableVariant" : "Not available in this option", "selectMoreForAdults" : "Select rooms for <0>#{adultsCount}adult|adults#<\/0>", "selectMoreForAdultsAndChildren" : "Select rooms for <0>#{adultsCount}adult|adults# and #{childrenCount} child|children#<\/0>", "selectMoreForChildren" : "Select rooms for <0>#{childrenCount}child|children#<\/0>", "selectRate" : "Select rate for #{roomsCount} room|rooms#" } }